Monday, February 11, 2013

make a goal calendar!

Just finished one of the most fun projects I have ever made --- and I am jazzed to help you make one for yourself.  I believe that WRITTEN GOALS are one of the most forces in the universe, and this 'visual goal' reminder takes that to a whole new level.  This $14.99 Calendar could change your life!
It is a 4 x 10 size on a spiral that can sit up on your desk in a prominent place.  Your goals can be up-close-and-visible throughout the year.

The starting point is taking out a piece of paper and WRITING down your GOALS for 2013.  Just write or even scribble.  This is the start of defining how you want to spend your year!  If you have already documented your 2013 goals, grab the list.

1. From your written list of 2013 GOALS, select 12 things to be represented on your calendar.

2. Now (the fun part!) capture this goal in photo. Collect them in a file folder in MM.
3. Now you can start the actual calendar! Open STORYBOOK CREATOR. Select NEW PROJECT / then CALENDARS / then DESK CALENDARS.
You can click on FREE 2013 CALENDAR TEMPLATES if you have not done so already.
Select the BLANK PAGES option in the project set up. Name it 2013 GOALS DESK CALENDAR and you are off.
4. Start filling the calendar and having some fun!
Here is a link to my 2013 GOALS Desk Calendar:
To see the shared Calendars Karen Blanc shared with you, simply follow this link:

I started by changing the FONTS because I am a font freak and cannot live with Verdana, which is the default font. I don't recommend taking time for this because the mantra for this calendar is "Done is better than perfect. Done is better than creative." And let's just get it on our desk before February is over!

 But if you want to - Left Click anyplace on the actual calendar grid, then select FORMAT CALENDAR. You can change the fonts or the layout or the colors or any sort of thing. Just read the screen and follow the options.

Because "Remembering my girlfriends' birthdays" is one of my goals, you will notice that I added names to my calendar grid. To add text to your calendar, left click over the square you want to write in, then click on CALENDAR CONTENTS / then EDIT CALENDAR CELLS. Write in the text box with whatever you want to say.

 Word of caution:
These boxes are very, very small and hold a minimal amount of writing. If your text is "too big" for the spot, remember that you can change the font size to something smaller by selecting FORMAT CALENDAR, then DATE STYLE (like in Optional A above).

What I want you to remember:  CM Calendars are AMAZING and anybody can figure them out without any instructions by just DOING IT. If you can read, you can do it. Have FUN! These calendars will be a powerful encouragement in our lives to take us where we want to go... and become who we want to be!



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